Monday, March 30, 2009

Make learning fun: Small motor skills.

Today in class, I teach a classroom of one and two year olds, we did an activity to encourage development in fine motor skills and to follow the theme of "teeth are not for biting'. Our activity was stringing cheerioes onto a string of yarn. Because I have a lot of two year olds in my class, I knew this activity would really challenge a skill they are developing at the moment, eye and hand coordination. The younger children I allowed to try, but did not really expect them to do much more than realize that the objects, the cheerioes, were edible, which they did :) They did relatively well with the project, especially since this was their first time doing this type of activity. The activity lasted about 10 minutes. Once they started to eat the cheerioes instead of stringing them, I knew they were no longer interested in the activity :)

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