Monday, July 20, 2009

Today was a good day!

Masha Allah! What a great day! The boxes were a hit. At first the children were a tad bit reserved about playing with the boxes. they are so used to us having only a few boxes to play with that they did not know to make of all the extras! It was only after I had sat in one of the larger boxes that they decided it was safe to play. They loved it!!! One of the toddlers decided my box was better than the others and jumped in with me. We banged on them like drums, we sat on them like chairs, we crawled through them like tunnels, we rode them like horses, we sat in them and just giggled back and forth with each other. One of the children played a cute game of Box-etball (throwing balls in the box) before realizing it would be fun to sit IN the box WITH his collection of balls! Later after nap and snack, the children painted boxes for a building project to be completed by the end of Box Week.  After work, I went to the library to look for some books that are about boxes and different creative uses for a box. I finally found the book "Not a Box" after searching for 35 minutes!

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